Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

Signing off for a Different Reason

+56 HS
Gobucks54321's picture
November 28, 2022 at 11:43pm

This is a recent comment from a so called fan on an article about CJ Stroud's family after the loss:

Here is the deal, like it or not these kids come to Ohio State for two things, win game and go to the NFL. On top of the now the guys can get paid too. So I don’t give a shit about what they are going through. Truth is in 10 year no one will remember CJ. He won nothing here, no Big10 titles, no playoff games, no Michigan games. He by every metric that matters is the worst Qb at Ohio State in a long long time. He will be fine, move on and make lots of money. But the truth will remain he did absolutely nothing at Ohio State. 

Is this person real? Do they act like this in society when something does not go their way. When someone is having personal issues, do they say to their face I don't give a shit because you have a nice house. Hopefully most fans can be mad at a loss and not make it personal but the more I read I'm not so sure. I think I need to sign off on reading comments as things have just gotten more personal opposed to X and O's. These kids who sacrifice so much more than we can ever imagine deserve so much better from this fanbase... albeit getting paid or not it still does not give you the right to not have any kind of human emotion. It's a shame we have gotten to this point IMO. 

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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