NCAA Alleges Numerous Violations Against Michigan Football, Including Level I Violation Against Jim Harbaugh for Failure to Cooperate with Investigators

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Tampa Bay Bone Doc's picture

Did he deflect interviews about this to his players?

TampaBayBone Doc

ElGato69's picture

This is an underrated comment!  Pretty sure you're referencing the on-field interview (or at least the interview attempt) after the Illinois game.  I watched that interchange & it reinforced my opinion of the man as just one incredibly weird person.

JohnnyKozmo's picture

It wasn't just the Illinois game, he did it all season.  Very disrespectful to the on-field reporters IMO.  

You're too stupid to have a good time. -Dalton

BroJim's picture

Truth. At first I thought it was because “The All American Girl” (Jenny Taft) was just that, a woman. But then I saw him do it to, I believe, Tom Rinaldi. Turns out he doesn’t discriminate and is unprofessional to all reports. 

I season my simple food with hunger

HS's picture

I saw that thing with Harbaugh ducking interviews and passing the reporter on to a player or two a couple times. Think he was just trying to defer praise to guys on the team, but Harbaugh is definitely different. However, that's not the Level 2.

Chris Balas, a reporter at the Wolverine, shares this nugget on Harbaugh's transgressions and dishonesty:

"the reason Jim got a Level One, apparently, is because two committed recruits stopped by during COVID for an impromptu visit and he took them to the Brown Jug for a Jug burger in the morning. They found a receipt, but I guess he wasn't completely honest about it."

Now, I'm not gonna make excuses for Harbaugh or Michigan. But man, the NCAA is just ridiculous. The other thing I've read is that part of the reason Harbaugh flirts with the NFL is not to have to deal with endless NCAA bullshit and nonsense, and the chance to win a Super Bowl. Of course, as a Michigan fan, I want Harbaugh to stay as Michigan's coach. He's certainly different. He is endlessly aggravating to OSU fans (a plus in my book.) He pushes the boundaries in multiple ways. He and the team and the program have undoubtedly broken NCAA rules and I'm sure there have been plenty of violations. But I'm close to 100% positive there have not been hookers or blow or alcohol or sleaze. That's not Harbaugh.

Maybe analogies to your own coaches are the best way to put it. Woody made the mistake of losing his temper, and he had to be fired, but he was a good man. Tressel made the mistake of covering for some of his players, but he was a good man. Neither of them were corrupt. Neither of them were bad men. They were good coaches, and good men, who made stupid mistakes. And honestly, everything that happened with Tressel was ridiculous. Between that stupid lawyer, and coverup, and the way things were different then, the NCAA was going to nail him. I'm 99% positive Tressel would say he screwed up, but it was stupid. FTR, I can't speak much about Coach Day, because I don't know much. And I think Meyer was the best college football coach you ever had, but the guy just seems pretty sleazy to me. I think you're better off without him, even though I don't think he loses to Harbaugh.

Harbaugh is goofy, and weird, and irritates some people (read:  OSU fans) to no end. But he is not an immoral or unethical or corrupt coach, imhe.

Uncommon Sense's picture

Not disagreeing with anything you said and thanks for the honest input. Seems like Harbaugh will fall into the same category as Tressel, he lied about something inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. So I would expect him to suffer the same fate by the time the smoke clears. He was headed to the NFL either way.

Makes Sense to me...

BuckeyeBattleCry11's picture

Agreed...the bigger problem you have is this flirting with the NFL every post season....your recruiting is gonna take a hit....not that I'm unhappy about it.


buckybeaver's picture

The lunch with recruits isn’t that big of a deal.  But if he had more coaches on the field than he was supposed to then they should absolutely get in trouble for that.  There’s more to it then taking a couple of committed recruits to lunch.  They had too many coaches coaching, which is an advantage, and even had contact with their players during COVID when they shouldn’t have.  Sorry, but those were things he knowingly did to have an advantage.  And then he lied about the situation.  That is not ethical or moral at all.  Totally different situation than Tressel.

HS's picture

I don't know the situation well enough to comment intelligently (as regards whether or not and when and to what degree and in what capacity and in what location "anaysts" were functioning as coaches.)  Imhe, every so-called "analyst" on a football staff is really part of the coaching staff. And some of this stuff just is kinda ridiculous. I do believe that there is plenty of "plausible deniability," i.e., it is set up so head coaches can (somewhat) legitimately say, "But I didn't know!" I'll just say I don't think Tressel was unethical, and I don't think Harbaugh is either. I put both of them in a very different bucket than Urban Meyer. Urban was a great collegiate coach, full stop. But he sure wasn't ethical like Tressel.

Wolverine_Killer's picture

Jim Hairball is weird? Wow, that's gotta be recent news./s

Powell Buckeye's picture

Seems like everyone posting here would make the absolute worst jurors. 

You all got  this man guilty over allegations.

I get the hate, but let's not act like rabid animals just yet.


CincyBuck's picture

Harbaugh isn't charged with a crime.  So comparing any of this to a jury doesn't make any sense at all.

Powell Buckeye's picture

Tell that to the list of commenters, above and below.

Powell Buckeye's picture

sad to see the herd mentality rush themselves right off a cliff.

your DV's give me wings!

Snake64's picture

This entire site is full of herd mentality.

Keyser Soze's picture

did people start calling you snake when you were in high school living in the Columbus area and rooting for ttun like the forked tounge traitor you are?

That's how winners play. We convince the other guy he's making all the right moves.

Snake64's picture

Noting that the general mentality of posters on this forum are of a herd mentality makes me a fan of TTUN? I love the mental gymnastics fans use sometime. 

Maybe you mistake my disdain for general herd mentality and usually trying to offer a different perspective makes you think i'm a "snake" or "traitor". Or maybe reality is your stuck in an echo chamber and anytime someone doesn't parrot your thought you think they're being malicious. 

Schizo's picture

I'm fine if the allegations are unfounded as long as they distract their program. I don't care if they did anything illegal I just want them to be punished because I hate them and want bad things (deserved or undeserved) to happen to them.

BuckeyeBattleCry11's picture

Taking kids for a burger...come on. Unless lying about it is the problem...what else is he lying about is more the issue.


osu78's picture

The coverup is always worse than the crime…

My last words will probably be: "It seemed like a good Idea at the time..."

"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Steven Hawking

Steel City Buckeye's picture

Lol, with this crowd he was guilty before the allegations, just wait for the outrage when he leaves and doesn’t get disaplined at all.  We finally have our reason as to how OSU could lose to TTUN and we want our pound of flesh.

Moo Strength's picture

I think the only solution is to vacate the last two years success. 

If I must choose between peace and righteousness, I choose righteousness! -Theodore Roosevelt.

The Second Coming of Earle's picture

I'll be watching this closely.  I want more details.

58Buckeye's picture

The Xichigan way! CHEATERS!!!!!


The Rill Dill's picture

Nah, we all know  that they  ‘do things the right way’ up there .

thedewman10's picture

If they cheated, they won with less star power than 2 other BIG teams 


mockjocks's picture

Something about swirling shit and Jimmy just seems to be a match made in heaven. It's always around him.

AZ-BUCK-I-ISBACK's picture

Poetry Mockjocks, pure poetry !

The hills send back and cry - O H - we're here to do or die - I O!!!

LandonTruckedCollins's picture

"A Michigan Man through and through."

Yeah, look at all the violations. Thanks for the layup, @UMichFootball

Dillon G's picture

Watching video of a workout isn’t my idea of cheating. Not that I think he is anything other than sanctimonious to the core.


BuckeyeBattleCry11's picture

Seriously, I mean I'm no fan of hairball but that's the lvl 2?....


BrutusB's picture

Yea I’m an avowed Michigan hater and even I think this is stupid.  Everyone needs to just tell the NCAA to fuck off already.

AZ Buckeye13's picture

It isn’t that he is watching a video of the players working out, it is that Harbaugh is watching a “live” video feed of the workout…enabling him, in real time, to communicate with those players. It is like coaching them on the field without physically being on the field.

Dillon G's picture

Like James Lauranitus being hired by fis friend and former team mate to be an assistant at ND while no being authorized to coach by limits on staff. Or Brian Hartline as quality control or whatever his exact title was to help with WRs. 


AZ Buckeye13's picture

You aren’t understanding what Harbaugh did. The problem with what Harbaugh did was that coaches can only instruct players so long during a day/week. The live video feed allowed Harbaugh to coach them outside of those parameters.

Dillon G's picture

I understand completely. You don’t understand that is an immoral rule and I don’t give a shit about it,


Fatpants's picture

PG <3 PG

southbuc's picture

That was literally the quote I came here to post good work

avail31678's picture

And I’m old enough to remember him accusing Ryan Day of impermissible coaching during the Covid year.  Fucking hypocrite.

blocko330's picture

Fantastic movie.

“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”

- TruthTeller

NavyBuckeye91's picture

Well, well, well…how the turn tables

allinosu's picture

It appears Harbaugh's influence is grasping the university as a whole. Nothing but excuses from michigan about the Edwards tweet and nothing but silence over the Smith arrest. Even the judge looked the other way.

AntoineWinfieldsTurbine's picture

This is more appropriate for Harbaugh.

"It is easy to grin, when your ship comes in and you know you got the stock market beat. But a man worthwhile is a man who smiles, when his shorts are too tight in the seat." -Judge Smails

Buckeyeman17's picture

I read on another site that Harbaugh lied to NCAA investigators. If this is true, Jim Tressel was accused of the same thing and was forced to resign. Will Harbaugh be fired or forced out? 

58Buckeye's picture

Didn't Tressel have a 5-year show cause also? Which was enforced by the NFL?

Rico11's picture

He did have a 5-year show cause.  Also, don’t remember exactly what, or how, but believe the NFL did take some unprecedented steps to attempt to enforce NCAA sanctions against Tress and Pryor.  Only at Ohio State.

lew-e's picture

Yeah half a season suspension for Pryor I believe. Blew my mind then and still blows my mind now

JHicks74's picture

And don’t forget about Boom getting something like 8 games for selling about $1200 worth of memorabilia and using some of it to help his mom pay her bills.

B Buehler

AntoineWinfieldsTurbine's picture

Of course Pete Carroll went straight to the Seattle Seahawks and enjoyed immediate NFL success to avoid all the infractions during the Reggie Bush era at USC.  (He did leave right before the sanctions came out, but it was not really a secret that things were hitting the fan)

"It is easy to grin, when your ship comes in and you know you got the stock market beat. But a man worthwhile is a man who smiles, when his shorts are too tight in the seat." -Judge Smails

Buck the Aesculus glabra's picture

Will the ESPiN trucks line campus the same way they did for Tattoogate?  It seems unlikely because Xichigan doesn't move the needle the way OSU does.

KP Duty's picture

Will he be fired or forced out?  Well, their basketball coach punched (or tried to) another coach and he's still there... 

beserkr29's picture

This allegation parade is to make up for all of LSU's shenanigans.

poopsnack's picture

I want him to stay at Michigan. He’s a total weirdo. A douche. A good villain. I’d hate for them to have a legitimately likable coach. 

Buckeyeman17's picture

He has a 2-1 record against Ryan Day. He is winning now because his brother supplies him with assistants from the NFL. He may keep on winning. I personally hope that Harbaugh is in the NFL and SCUM replaces him with RichRod 2 or Hoke 2. 

Buck-n-A's picture

Apparently he also wins because he cheats.

Buckeyes…Beets... Battlestar Galactica.

AZ-BUCK-I-ISBACK's picture

The hills send back and cry - O H - we're here to do or die - I O!!!

CowCat's picture

Harbaugh in / Harbaugh out: Meaningless.

We need to beat that team, and we don’t need the NCAA to help us.

But, potential bowl bans and shame: Priceless.

"We get paid to score touchdowns, not kick field goals"
-- Urban Meyer

Ortonhallalumni's picture

they should also vacate the entire years big ten totle no win against us...just like tressell bs

BuckeyeInOrlando's picture

Some people are born on third. Some break the rules to get to third.

PRO8's picture

Can anyone say "show cause" penalty...

FortBuckeye's picture

Running the bases clockwise hoping no one will notice.

jkrk's picture

I’ll be watching this story like Michigan watches player workouts over a video feed: with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. 

OSU jamez's picture

I’ve seen enough. Time for the NCAA to drop the hammer, I think a 3 year bowl ban should send the right message 

Bucktown 5.7x28's picture

Bowl ban for three years? Why save them from 3 more losses? 

When telling the truth becomes a revolutionary concept, it’s wise to join the revolution 

Buck-n-A's picture

They should also vacate wins like we were forced to.

Buckeyes…Beets... Battlestar Galactica.

CowCat's picture

They should also vacate wins like we were forced to.

Best quote.

"We get paid to score touchdowns, not kick field goals"
-- Urban Meyer

Baroclinicity's picture

"I expect I will be enthusiastically coaching at Michigan in 2023, but you never know what the future holds, like this Notice of Allegations that just showed up on my, I guess I'll be seein' ya!"

Priority #1:  Beat Michigan

Steel City Buckeye's picture

 The plan worked out well for Pete Carrol…

DS117's picture

I actually thought michigan (and Auburn, etc.) did it the right thing way back when Rich Rod was being investigated. UM and the SEC schools pretty much told the NCAA to go pound sand and investigate and let us know what you find, but we won't be volunteering any wrongdoings. Contrary to what OSU has always done which is do the NCAA's work for them by volunteering everything.  I can see why Hairball didn't cooperate. I'm not surprised at all with his non-compliance. Seems this time he got burnt. By the way, Jim, the NFL doesn't care about those things. 

I'm at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I've just had a mirror put over my kitchen table. - Rodney Dangerfield

Buck-n-A's picture

NFL doesn’t care?!? Terrelle Pryor would like a word.

Buckeyes…Beets... Battlestar Galactica.

Steel City Buckeye's picture

The NFL loves cheaters they just don’t want you to get caught but they are not the ones looking.

The Rill Dill's picture

You only get away with it if you’re a southern school. 

Bucktown 5.7x28's picture


When telling the truth becomes a revolutionary concept, it’s wise to join the revolution 

blocko330's picture

I hate to always think like this but it's true.  The LSU situation(s) still baffle me.

“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”

- TruthTeller

Steel City Buckeye's picture

Don’t forget about North Carolina???

BuckeyeInOrlando's picture

They should probably forfeit every game he ever coached or played. Wipe them from the all-time wins list.

buckskin's picture

Wasn't this the guy who accused Day of cheating in front of every B1G coach during a teleconference the Covid year? Then he chickens out and won't play us. Yes, true Michigan Man!!

usr5417's picture

Have to say though, this feels like the police ticketing a jaywalker while the bank heist get-away car whizzes by both of them.

Facts matter.

FreshwaterBuckeye's picture

Agreed. Sort of like LSU & Tennessee driving by in the Brinks truck for the Vols and the physical abuse coverup @ LSU. But nothing happens to them!


Scarlet_Fire's picture

Par for the course for the NCAA

Uncommon Sense's picture

Yeah, you mean kinda like Tatoogate?

Makes Sense to me...

Shtinkycat1's picture

The level II accusations don’t sound that egregious. It’s odd that Jimmy wouldn’t talk with investigators, knowing that it’s a more serious violation than what they wanted to interview him about. I suspect there is more behind the curtain that hasn’t been discovered yet. 


Knarcisi's picture

Not odd at all, being the arrogant asshole he is. 

Wargor's picture

You aren't wrong at all, but I don't see the, "Your honor, my client pleads not guilty by reason of being an arrogant asshole" defense holding up.

Buck-n-A's picture

Sounds to me like he didn’t just not cooperate, he lied.

Buckeyes…Beets... Battlestar Galactica.

CowCat's picture

I agree the OP.

This could be the tip of the iceberg.

Maybe not, but there’s nothing to lose in believing that there is more, because….


"We get paid to score touchdowns, not kick field goals"
-- Urban Meyer

Steel City Buckeye's picture

Exactly, now we have a reason for how Slick Jimmy could finally win one (two).  They have always been so pompous since Tattoo gate claiming all we do is cheat while they play strictly by the rules.  I prey that this is the tip of an iceberg and I am going to sit back and laugh while the ship sinks and all the rats scurry overboard. 

awlinBrutus's picture

i believe the micah parson’s violation was level 2,we lost him because of it and the staffer had some pretty stiff recruiting restrictions. 


AZ Buckeye13's picture

But…but…TTUN doesn’t cheat. I heard it from someone on the internet. 

Looks like the two wins against Ohio State are about to go bye-bye…

Hateblue's picture

Hardly- the NCAA gave up the hammer after us. The ridiculous behaviors that was overlooked at other schools is sickening when you think we got a bowl ban over a few guys getting tattoos and Tressel saying he didn’t know about it. 

buckeyeupnorth's picture

Why do people keep up this “We got a bowl ban/ Tressel was fired over players getting tattoos? Tressel played players that he knew received impermissible benefits making them ineligible and lied to the NCAA and the OSU president regarding what he knew. Tressel was fired for cause by OSU and OSU received the bans etc for not maintaining institutional control over its staff and players.  He and OSU received what was appropriate for violation of rules in place at the time. It’s that simple and most people have moved on, including Tressel. There are fans who desperately need to do the same.

Dstacify's picture

Now that NIL is a thing the NCAA absolutely needs to give those wins from 2010 back to Ohio State. If Ohio State were actually willing to fight them on it they'd have a good case.

11 Strong.

BeepBeep's picture

I may be the only one here who disagrees with this.
If you get a $100 ticket for doing 45 in a 35 in June then they change the speed limit to 45 in July do you get your fine back?

58Buckeye's picture

What you seem to not understand is, he was punished because he lied about not knowing about their rule violations.

Jimmy lied also. Should be the same punishment.

Pretty simple!

LeftCoastBuckeye's picture

Potato/potahto. A distinction without a difference. (And I love Tress.)

My aim, then, is to whip the Weasels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.   - William Tecumseh Sherman (with apologies)

Dstacify's picture

It was a forced resignation. If he didn't agree to it the school absolutely would've fired him without hesitation. 

11 Strong.

Scarlet_Fire's picture

For me, my biggest gripe has always been about the NCAA’s selective enforcement 

qtip's picture

And here Harbaugh is lying to the NCAA too. For the love of god I hope you reply and show me your mental gymnastics to justify Harbaugh’s lie as better than Tressel’s.

That'll be 5 dollars

SevernDH's picture

Difference is Tressel played players he knew should have been suspended for some amount of time, so played ineligible players.  The wins were vacated because ineligible players participated.

Granted, they should have always had a right to sell their own stuff, but at the time it was against the rules and was proven to have occurred, and Tressel knew about it.

None of us have to like it, but that is the difference.

62wasn&#039;tenough's picture

Exactly. They do it to us because we'll take it. We're the NCAA's favorite whipping boy.

"A whipping boy was a boy educated alongside a prince (or boy monarch) in early modern Europe, who supposedly received corporal punishment for the prince's transgressions in his presence. The prince was not punished himself because his royal status exceeded that of his tutor; seeing a friend ..."

Got2forLA's picture

Now the NFL rumors make more sense. Still hope he comes back so we can smoke his ass one last time.

gobucks1966's picture

If thats the case I might get that over all win record over them before I croke


Kalmar's picture

Bunch of nonsense being generated so he can go back to the pros. 

So aMaysn's picture

Starts cheating and all of a sudden starts winning. 

Didn’t one of the players inadvertently mention this like a year ago when I think the D-line assistant was leaving? He mentioned how that guy was really the coach and how much he helped on the field.


Byaaaahhh's picture

I have no idea what the line is for coaches and staff. I feel like our staff often get shoutouts from the players for all the help and instruction they provide, but I don't know if any of that happens on the field during games. 

Snake64's picture

I actually do recall this incident. Funny to think one of his own players being careless and ignorant might have got his ass busted. Then telling the NCAA to go pound sand might backfire. Then again the NCAA has been totally neutered so I expect nothing will come of this. 

SalemBuckeye's picture

Harbaugh is a mentally unstable ticking bomb. He is bound to explode. Just a matter of when.


Buck-n-A's picture

I believe he got his words crossed when he said he would “enthusiastically” be coaching Michigan in 2023. He meant he would be DISHONESTLY coaching Michigan in 2023.

Buckeyes…Beets... Battlestar Galactica.

CandygramForMongo's picture

Michigan should fire him for cause…

’Cause he’s an asshole!


Dstacify's picture

That is petty as shit and I absolutely love it. The way this is playing out has an eery feel of Tattoogate to it (we originally thought that situation was small potatoes at first as well).

11 Strong.

NavyBuckeye91's picture

You make it sound like the man was sleeping over at recruits’ homes, or running around sports camps shirtless.

GoBuckeyes1020's picture

Are there no dentists in ann arbor?

The pain of discipline or the pain of regret, take your pick

Eddie43001's picture

Apparently the residents in the state of Xichigan have never heard of tooth-whitening strips or toothpaste

The guy who drove by our house just slowed down....

It is never right to do what is wrong.
It is never wrong to do what is right.
It is always right to do what is right.

Melissa's picture

His teeth are the same color as the M on his hat. Gross. 

actionstanleyjackson's picture

30 years of dipping and not brushing your teeth will do that. 

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

Buckeyenurse1's picture

I’m not shocked Michigan was cheating, I’m just shocked the NCAA is even attempting to do anything about it, I assumed the NCAA had given up after NIL broke loose. I suppose too many coaches and contacting players during Covid is something they want to take on, unlike tampering with players and schools buying recruits. 

AZ Buckeye13's picture

As has been mentioned many times…the NCAA only punishes those who cooperate. If this happened to Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Clemson, etc, it would just go away.

NavyBuckeye91's picture

Except Harbaugh is being punished for NOT cooperating

Bucktown 5.7x28's picture

See Dill’s post above. 

You only get away with it if you’re a southern school 

When telling the truth becomes a revolutionary concept, it’s wise to join the revolution 

Robby96's picture

Controversy seems to follow him, or something like that

CandygramForMongo's picture

Like I said in the forum, I think it’d be great if it was an inside job to take back Harbaugh’s leverage from him flirting with NFL teams. Now, they could fire him with cause if they wanted. They could decrease his salary.

Harbaugh had hand. Now, no hand.

Todd Gack's picture

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.

Horseshoe's picture

Michigan Men:

Jim Harbaugh-Level 1 infractions.

Juwan Howard-Fraud 5 scandal and numerous violent offenses.

Count on SCUM to do things "the right way".

Robert M

Dstacify's picture

The Fab Five were as dirty as you could get when it came to receiving impermissible benefits.

11 Strong.

buckskin's picture

Juwan Howard needs to be fired for those incidents. Absolute immaturity and horrible leadership for an impressionable group of young men. I couldnt care less what you "thought" was happening at the time. I would be absolutely embarrassed to have him as our coach. He is a thug from the South side of Chicago who has had every opportunity to learn and know better. Speaks volumes about their AD and sports program culture overall.

buckeyenut74's picture

See we have a TTUN fan lurking and downvoting. Well, their the ones that likes to throw stones and pretend they’re perfect. 

Bucks19's picture

 using too many coaches at practice sessions and watching player workouts over a video feed.

Those are nothing burger’s. Everyone does them. 

actionstanleyjackson's picture

Maybe at penn State they do 

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

GuloGulo&#039;99-&#039;01's picture

Harbaugh did not cooperate with the NCAA Kangaroo Court for the alleged breaking of the special COVID-19 rules to gain an advantage.  But, he used those said same COVID-19 rules to duck playing a much superior Ohio State team in 2020.  

So he understands the proper role for silly rules in life.  Use them for utmost advantage.

Keep your friends close, but your rivals, closer.

CandygramForMongo's picture

Michigan fans can’t ever talk shit again about Jim Tressel now. Harbaugh lied to the authorities.

PhillyNut's picture

Would not be so quick to convict. The NCAA has shown multiple times since our situation that they have no balls to do anything. And right now they are allegations, not undisputed facts. While I want it to play out that way I for one will wait for the process to run its course.

I don't buy one goddam drop of gas in the state of Michigan!

Sloopy1976's picture

Woah. Wait a're telling me the NCAA has investigators?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Pandalorian's picture

I think they called the Pink Panther out of retirement.

Dstacify's picture

I think it's only fair that Harbaugh be forced to vacate his last two victories over Ohio State and go back to an 0-5 career record against them lol. 

Also didn't Harbaugh accuse Day of cheating a couple years ago? Little hypocritical there aren't we Jim?

11 Strong.

BuckeyeTed's picture

There’s a chance this socially awkward douchebag just gave 1 or 2 word answers because he’s incapable of more. Find the clip of Colin Cowherd hanging up on Jimmy for his terrible interview responses.

I’m torn. I’d like to see Jimmy get a show cause, but I can’t bear the thought of him leaving TUN. I mean, what if they hired a competent person?

rkylet83's picture

His team has kicked our ass two years in a row.  He’s a completely awkward weirdo, but I’d say he’s pretty competent.

CandygramForMongo's picture

Matt Dudek is being pegged as the rat. What else does he know? Hmm…

Zimmy07's picture

NCAA claims he never once brushed his own teeth.

mizzer's picture

The staff tried to help him brush his teeth but Jimmy kept coming out of sedation.

Greenbriar's picture

This is nonsense and I love it. TSUN deserves it for their holier than thou attitude despite a fairly standard (at best) history of NCAA violations and bad actors. Fab 5. Brendon Gibbons. Frank Clark. Bo. They say this is BS but everything against the Buckeyes was legit. Screw their hypocrisy. 

Tattoo-Gate was insane in hindsight. Players traded their own personal property for tattoos. There is no moral or  NCAA difference between trading for tattoos or trading for jelly beans. And now we all agree that it was immoral for the NCAA and Big 10 and OSU to be making money off of Pryor and others but not let them trade trophies for tattoos. ….. But the TSUN folks just can’t bring themselves to say that the Tressel stuff was bs and so is the Harbaugh stuff. They will say that Tressel was about lying not the underlying violation he lied about. But then with Harbaugh they will say the lying doesn’t matter because the underlying violation wasn’t a big deal.

Pryor drove a Nissan and Tressel rigged a football camp raffle and the players traded gold pants for tattoos! Pure evil!

Long story short, sounds like Harbaugh did nothing wrong but I hope that sanctimonious whiner gets a lifetime ban,

Tresselball4life's picture

Ryan Day is now 4-0 vs Michigan with wins vacated 

NavyBuckeye91's picture

That’s not exactly how it works. Vacated wins do not become losses, and the losing team is not awarded a win. It goes down as a “no contest”. 

Day would be 1-0. 

BrutusB's picture

Forget it, he’s rolling

dwccrew's picture

Actually, I believe a vacated win for the team vacating becomes a no contest, but the team that lost still counts the game as a loss. 

If I'm not mistaken, all 11 opponents that Ohio State defeated in 2010 still show an official loss to Ohio State in that season. That's why vacating wins is ridiculous unless there was actual cheating that effected the outcome of the game. 

That being said, I hope ttun has to vacate every win ever. F*** scUM

Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!

buckeyenut74's picture

Just gotta hate seeing it. Lol. 

Buckeye6266's picture


Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. -- Michael Jordan

LeftCoastBuckeye's picture

Just the man for the job! In light of that scUM t-shirt that has gotten so much play recently, put the Unabomber's picture on that "_ichigan Man through and though" tweet from the article above. Seems fair.

"Those who stay will be lifers"

My aim, then, is to whip the Weasels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.   - William Tecumseh Sherman (with apologies)

rkylet83's picture

I feel a very harsh talking to is coming Harbaugh’s way.  

NOBLUE's picture

i really doubt if any of this has anything to do with the way they STEAMROLLED OSU the last 2 years ...this fan base is starting to sound like them when OSU was beating them every year ....

Rico11's picture

Could you imagine being an investigator questioning Harbaugh, or being Harbaugh’s lawyer?  That would be some bizarre shit.

NavyBuckeye91's picture

Worms are asexual and can reproduce on their own. Is that cheating? Because if it is, then birds wouldn’t be able to fly, because they don’t drink milk. 

Bucktown 5.7x28's picture

When telling the truth becomes a revolutionary concept, it’s wise to join the revolution 

jwilly's picture

The Level 2 allegations are relatively minor and Harbaughs ego probably led him to blow off the investigation which led to his Level 1. He was too busy to be bothered.


OSU56's picture

Good job crazy jimmy- "Those who stay will cheat"!!

Enjoying daily the back to back ttun beat downs.


bull1214's picture

only ttun would cheat to get a subpar recruiting class 

Sean N's picture

I love that with all the rampant rule breaking going on right now (buying players, tampering, etc) the NCAA’s big move is to go after a northern school for illegal on-field coaching.  Can’t make this shit up.

bull1214's picture

From the covid year too. The NCAA is apparently 2 years behind so in a couple years they’ll look into jimbo fishers 2021 recruiting class….after the players are out of eligibility lol 

BrutusB's picture

That was my first thought too.

Schools handing players millions of dollars, blatantly tampering, and buying recruiting class

NCAA: I sleep

Coach might have watched guys exercise on Zoom

NCAA: WTF bro, explain yourself

causeicouldntgo43's picture

This is exactly where my head it at on this as well. However, anything that puts an "underwear treadmark" on the the most sanctimonious program and fan base in America is still fun to observe.

AntoineWinfieldsTurbine's picture

"the most sanctimonious program and fan base in America"

Notre Dame would like a word.

"It is easy to grin, when your ship comes in and you know you got the stock market beat. But a man worthwhile is a man who smiles, when his shorts are too tight in the seat." -Judge Smails

Ontheline's picture

“Hold my beer” is what half a dozen SEC teams would say to Hairball and Tress if they were ever investigated.  (Purely speculation)

“When you win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.” — Paul Brown

Buckeye_bob's picture

Cheater Cheater Booger Eater

Kyson12's picture

I knew something was going on, Michigan just doesn’t start beating us that just doesn’t happen here. Well the roosters have come home to roost. Or something like that. 

Fire Kevin Warren

buckeye81's picture

Kyson, it's 'chickens come home to roost". But Jimi Kax doesn't eat chicken 'cause it's a scared bird. So, in a way, you nailed it. Sort of.


Snake64's picture

The overall history of the rivalry suggests otherwise. The past two decades are pretty unprecedented. That said the violations occurred during Covid and I don't think anyone here would disagree that TTUN during the Covid year was embarassingly bad and neither of these violations resulted in some sort of performance boost. It's also the year they didn't play us. 

Now what does the NCAA decide to do since it appears Jimmy refused to cooperate with the investigation or relatively meaningless infractions. Does he get the Tressel treatment or does the NCAA do what it does with every other school that tells it to go pound sand. 

Buckeye_bob's picture

Uhm I see you are having trouble reasoning! They were contacting Recruits during Covid and those recruits would be playing in 2021 and 2022 also he lied to the NCAA after the initial violations so either in 2020 or 2021 or later. So this is about Now!! 

Snake64's picture

So contacting recruits they may or may not have landed in a dead period is the reason they are winning now? Jesus Christ you need to sit down and relax because the amount of overblown anger is wildly hilarious. 

I already said the lying part is the issue. The violations themselves are meaningless big picture. Get off the high horse. MSU had similar issues at the end of Dantonio and they certainly aren't winning big because of that now are they?

Buckeye_bob's picture

Comment removed for violating the site's commenting policy.

Snake64's picture

Comment removed for violating the site's commenting policy.

Snake64's picture

Comment removed for violating the site's commenting policy.

Buckeye_bob's picture

Comment removed for violating the site's commenting policy.

CreekBuck's picture

Say it aint so Michigan Man. 

Muck Fichigan

JacksonOhio5's picture

Sounds like relatively minor infractions, but the "cover-up" is gonna be worse than the "crime".  

It's hilarious that the NCAA is going to bring a Level 1 violation against TTUN/Harbaugh when like 10 programs nationwide are just spitting in the NCAA's face and throwing out massive amounts of cash for players, but hey, I'm here to see it anyway.

It's even more hilarious that while Harbaugh was accusing Day of holding illegal practices during the Covid year, he was actually also committing practice violations and hosting/contacting recruits during a mandatory dead period.  Total hypocrite, but I expected nothing less.

Like I said, this is pretty minor but I hope he actually gets punished because he deserves it for being an asshole.

Go Bucks!

Thefirstcaveman's picture

Michigan is not in the SEC so this doesn't look good for them.  I don't like Michigan, but the level 2 violations listed so far are much less than the SEC does everyday in plane view.  I want to know what the level 1 violations are before we get to carried away with this.


CedarBuck92's picture

I see only two ways this goes:

1. Michigan cooperates and takes their punishment

2. Michigan does not cooperate (ala UNC) and literally nothing happens. 

JacksonOhio5's picture

I think the UNC thing gets pretty wildly misrepresented in the media.

There absolutely was academic fraud that occurred, but through its investigation, the NCAA realized that it was more of a university issue and out of its jurisdiction.  They couldn't punish UNC's athletic programs because there was nothing in the bylaws that covered academic fraud that wasn't proven to be created solely for athletes.  The fact that there were tons of independent study courses with minimal work that were available to members of the entire student body (not just athletes) made it very tricky for the NCAA to actually do anything. 

The NCAA investigated that issue for several YEARS and basically intentionally sabotaged UNC's recruiting because they knew they were powerless to levy any true penalties, but also didn't want them to get out of it unscathed.  I think UNC's administration actually did cooperate pretty fully with the NCAA because they had no choice.  Eventually get it over with, or continue to let it drag on and continue to let the potential of punishment affect recruiting efforts even longer. 

Go Bucks!

NavyBuckeye91's picture

Great take. UNC actually should have had their academic accreditation out on probation. That story was bigger than sports. 

JacksonOhio5's picture

They actually did receive probation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission for one year, which was a huge issue for the school itself.  They complied with all the necessary steps associated with that probation and ended up not losing their accreditation.  

Go Bucks!

mizzer's picture

Harbs could be playing 3D Chess here: this could be the exit strategy he needs to bolt for the NFL. All the TTUN fans would blame the NCAA and Jimmy saves face.

GoBuckswin's picture

I am sure Michigan sure as hell does not dig up their coach's old e-mails and give them to the NCAA and I am sure as hell their president if asked if she is going to fire Harbaugh does not say something like "I just hope he does not fire me." Still convinced if Gordon Gee did not make that stupid ass comment the pressure from the media would not have been so intense. Amazed that a president of a university would have such bad judgment to think making that type of comment, or joke in his mind, would help.

Bucks fans in Mass

Sanitarian2's picture

I hate scum as much as the next guy but the NCAA turns a blind eye to NIL/Portal crap and throws a hissy fit over meeting with players during Covid, an extra coach on the field and watching a player on tape. OSU fans would pitch a fit if the shoe was on the other foot here. Probably should add, "Doing Recruits Dishes" charge here, that has to be an illegal recruiting tool. 


Buckeye_bob's picture

Every school has compliance officers, they committed violations knowing they were cheating, what is ok about that? Everyone else had to go by the rules set forth oh no biggie or you done worse is what is wrong with society  today crimes and rule breakers go unpunished while others abide by rules. 

Sanitarian2's picture

So long as you fully supported the punishment and didn't bitch about "Tattoo-Gate" I will allow it.


Buckeye_bob's picture

My take is I don’t care who it is, if you broke rules you pay the penalty being Tressel, Harbaugh, Day or anyone. Without rules you have no games. 

mcmahake's picture

The only headline beginning with “NCAA” that should inspire more than a yawn is one beginning, “NCAA Dissolves”. What a completely irrelevant organization. No rules relative to NIL, but “meeting with two recruits during a COVID-19 dead period, using too many coaches at practice sessions and watching player workouts over a video feed” ,,, these are the things destroying college football! Ridiculous. Nevertheless, fun to see egg on Harbaugh’s face.


awlinBrutus's picture

And lieing to the investigators just like insider trading it’s the lieing that brings the hammer. between the nfl rumors and a ncaa investigation, their recruiting should crater unless they keep cheating.


bull1214's picture

If it craters any lower it’ll be in Australia. Aussie Aussie Aussie!

awlinBrutus's picture

Comment removed for violating the site's commenting policy.


RemainCalm's picture

The famous Quote “Those who stay will be champions” can now changed to “Those who stay shall be coached by a cheater.”

refusal to cooperate with NCAA investigators should be automatic dismissal.  At TTUN it gets you a contract extension  

RemainCalm — All is well.

actionstanleyjackson's picture

Leaders and the best huh? 

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

Little Mikey's picture

"I want to put them on probation."

Uh, they're already on probation, sir."

"Oh, well then as of now, they are on double secret probation."


Art Harrell's picture

No comment..._______________________but while waiting...FUCK scUm...Go Bucks

Icouldnotgofor3's picture


Saban on a cart eating cold pizza

RunEddieRun1983's picture

My understanding was the level I violation comes from all of the level II violations and Harbaugh's response, I suppose he was being difficult, or deflecting or was caught flat out lying about the situation?

I'll be keeping an eye on this deal to see what comes of it.

The Excellence of Execution, the Best there is, the Best there was, the Best there ever will be!

awlinBrutus's picture

according to Balas, he lied about a lunch receipt for recruits.


causeicouldntgo43's picture

Aside from the lingering bile in my digestive tract after that NYE game,  the Official Offseason is not disappointing so far. And as Art said, I have no comment.................but, fuck TTUN.

actionstanleyjackson's picture

They should get a level one for lying their way out of the 2020 game.

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

GoBuckeyes1020's picture

Would love to see the last two year's wins vacated because I am a vindictive, schadenfreude filled SOB when it comes to that team up north and the turd running their program.

The pain of discipline or the pain of regret, take your pick

Scarlet_Fire's picture

Didn’t this tree-climbing booger eater accuse Day of covid coaching-related wrongdoings?

JohnnyKozmo's picture

So defensive analyst coaching from the field...

Rumors of sign stealing...

You're too stupid to have a good time. -Dalton

Snake64's picture

Defensive analyst coaching from the field was about an analyst coaching players in practice skill moves and some other things. I vaguely remember the TTUN player basically raving about how much he learned from this analyst when he wasn't supposed to be involved in coaching during practices. 

Definitely not the realm of sign stealing so many seem to think is going on / blaming a loss to them on.

Roadsidebeggar's picture

Check yourself, your maize and blue undershirt is peaking out. 

Spare a buck?

Snake64's picture

Correctly remembering the incident / player admitting to this situation is under cover TTUN fan? I think not. I just happen to remember the article about this and how it was technically a rules violation and look what we have here. An NCAA allegation and investigation into it. Somehow not agreeing that a team is sign stealing and correcting the accusation makes me a TTUN fan? LMFAO 

God the HERD MENTALITY here is strong. When people talk about disdain for our fanbase it's majority of the posters on this forum that give us the bad name.

mrjb2222's picture

In the ESPN article it says one of the violations is "the use of a defensive analyst for on-field coaching activities".

Can anybody provide context to what this rule and violation would entail? 

Buckeye_bob's picture

The guy is in the booth contacting coaches on the field means more than 1 coach was talking to the DC during a game! Illegal!! This is multiple violations as many as 8or 10 then the lying or failing to cooperate is the biggie! If it affected games and outcomes they will be vacated if they were wins! I hope 20 are taken away

Snake64's picture

Bob i really think you need to take some blood pressure pills and sit this one out. 

The defensive analyst coaching on the field was mentioned by someone else and i remember the interview. It was a player mentioning how this defensive analyst was teaching them positions and skills in practice when he wasn't an actual coach. Not what you're trying to correlate with mental gymnastics. While this isn't allowed it's not going to affect actual games in the way that wins would be vacated. 

Buckeye_bob's picture

Comment removed for violating the site's commenting policy.

Maestro's picture

So shocked that he didn't cooperate.  Truly shocked.  This is my shocked face.

vacuuming sucks

causeicouldntgo43's picture

That doesn't look like the Dali Lama at all.

Maestro's picture

Shock really alters my face.

vacuuming sucks

OnPoint's picture

When a coach stops caring about anything other than winning, you can tell from a mile. His handling of Donovan Edwards' tweet and Mazi Smith's gun charges were very indicative of a coach who wants to win at all costs. Although Harbaugh is winning big, his demeanor is making UM appear less stable.

Buckeye_bob's picture

When did he win big? They got smoked by Georgia and TCU 

admiralpb's picture

They beat the Buckeyes and won the B1G, twice in a row. And went to the CFP. That's winning big.

Buckeye_bob's picture

Not really he is 1-6 in post season 

Dstacify's picture

Until he wins a NC he's not "winning big" at all. Harbaugh has a worse record than John Cooper in bowl games. 

11 Strong.

OSU56's picture

By the look of it, the only thing crazy jimmy has won "big" in his career, is a Level 1 NCAA Violation. No National Title and no super bowl, along with a poor bowl record. 

Enjoying daily the back to back ttun beat downs.


Dstacify's picture

The biggest thing that Jimmy has accomplished in his career was getting the Niners to the Super Bowl in 2012 with Colin Kaepernick as his QB. And that team basically rode Vic Fangio's defense en route to that SB. 

11 Strong.

awlinBrutus's picture

What was did Edward’s tweet?


Dstacify's picture

Comment removed for violating the site's commenting policy.

11 Strong.

BuckeyeChief's picture

Please google and please don’t post it here.

awlinBrutus's picture

Wow had no idea. Has he apologized?


aledyard's picture

I'm not a Michigan fan, but these allegations just seem silly.  Visiting 2 recruits during a Covid-19 dead period, too many coaches at a practice, and watching player workouts over a live feed?  Come on man, really?  Especially now that we are in the era of NIL and schools are paying players, why are we even talking about these ticky-tack violations anymore.  

"In America, anyone can become president.  That's the problem."  George Carlin

OnPoint's picture

It's the lying that's the problem.

Buckeye_bob's picture

If you remember in Tat-Gate what caused the vacating wins and the bowl ban was the Level 1 violation "Lack of Institutional Control" most of the violations by the players were Level 2 violations. Tressel was caught hiding info or lying to the NCAA just like Hairball. This can't be good !

awlinBrutus's picture

And the nfl level coaches being hidden as analysts is the worst offense by far imo. And indeed is a competitive advantage.level 2 violations are not all harmless.if you remember we lost Micah Parsons because a staffer took him to meet the GameDay crew before a game. As stupid as it sounds it was a violation and the MP commitment was null&void and he would of been a Buckeye. He was all signed and delivered.


Buckeye_bob's picture

Comment removed for violating the site's commenting policy.

Buckeye_bob's picture

I don’t think the violations are cause for huge sanctions but lying about them to investigators makes it huge! 

buckeyeupnorth's picture

Rick Neuheisel had a very long , interesting tale this morning about the odd arrival of Biff Poggi to Michigan, the stories told about Biffs attitude and efforts to put Michigan on the championship track and Biffs very odd leap to head coach over everyone else who actually have college coaching experience. Biff also brought a recruit with him from the HS he was involved with. That recruit was Blake Corum. If someone can get a transcript of First Ride broadcast from this morning it’s very interesting to read as it has the timeline and quotes from Michigan assistants etc. 

AltaBuck's picture

I bet you it has something to do with a sports almanac!

"You ever hear of the saying "you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." - Raylan Givens

buckeyeupnorth's picture

Also, the NCAA has new , tougher rules regarding coaches responsibility to know what is going on in their program and enforcement of rules that just went into effect Jan 1. I don’t know if this new rule can be retroactive in this case. Neuheisel also said that the NCAA grants amnesty to players involved so that they can speak freely about what happened. The prize here for the NCAA is Harbaugh. Remember, the committee who determines guilt and issues sanctions is made up of ADs, former coaches, etc.of member schools and Harbaugh has pissed off a lot of them over the years with his behavior, recruiting etc.

Put_In_Cardale's picture

Well well well, what a deliciously tough few weeks for the Xichigan Xen! 

If this doesn’t seem that serious to anyone, well, maybe it’ll make up for the gun charges the state of Michigan oh so conveniently dropped, or the time one of their players was drunk driving and wrapped the AD’s car around a telephone pole, or blatantly ducking the 2020 game, or any of the times they declined to pursue any cases against Bo “I don’t know who that doctor is I swear he just works here you gotta believe me” Schembechler. Lying to investigators is pretty damn bad also. As they say, the cover up is worse than the crime. Couldn’t happen to a worse group of people. 

buckeyenut74's picture

A news article said he made false or misleading statements. I wonder if their faithful will bash him like they did Tress. if this is all found to be true?

Arizona_Buckeye's picture

So they let a star player continue to play as they covered up his arrest with an unlicensed weapon and a shit load of ammo. Then the court moved the trail date until after the CFP so he could continue to play. Now we have recruiting violations and being uncooperative with the NCAA... but aren't they supposed to be too superior to cheat?

The best thing about Pastafarianism? It is not only acceptable, but advisable, to be heavily sauced

Dstacify's picture

All of that is worse than anything Tressel did during Tattoogate (which cost him his job, got him show-caused, and basically ended his coaching career). I don't expect Harbaugh to be punished though. I expect Michigan to be punished and Harbaugh to flee to the NFL Pete Carroll-style so that he doesn't receive the brunt of it. 

11 Strong.

buckeyenut74's picture

Oh what tangled web we weave…..harbaugh can finish the rest. . 

TkeBuck's picture

allegation: "...using too many coaches at practice sessions and watching player workouts over a video feed..."

It's reasonable to assume that when big brother ships over the entire Ravens' coaching staff to assist prep for The Game, that there might indeed be a few too many cooks in the kitchen.


DonTurner's picture

NCAA is like my cat, sleep all day long then beg for food.

Go Buckeyes !

Buckeye Bernard's picture

TTUN AD and coaches are the biggest hypocrites in college sports.  Amazing the national media never covered how Harbaugh played an accused felon for the better part of the season.  TTUN hoops coach assaults another coach no big deal, multiple fights break out in their tunnel and they cry for charges.  


Credible Source's picture

One side of me says this is a nothing-burger

The other side says Fuck Michigan fans and I hope they get raked over the coals over this.  This is EERILY similar to the Tress bullshit.

As much as I hate Michigan, i must wonder why the NCAA goes after this, but not after Arizona and many others for doing far worse.

there is Sir Yacht....and there is me.

DaytonBuck99's picture

It the cover-up that gets them, not the crime.

Dayton Buck 99

Eph97's picture

I see a lot of UM fans saying its no big deal that Harbaugh lied because he lied about buying hamburgers for 2 recruits while they visited. Perhaps it isn't a big deal, but why is Tressel lying about knowing that his players were trading their gold pants for free tatoos worse? Is it because the tatoo parlor was being investigated by the FBI for illicit activity? So what, how did that involve the players? To me, it seems both coaches lied to the NCAA about minor things. Does the NCAA care what they lied about or is it just the lying itself that is the "sin"?

buckybeaver's picture

He lied about all of it.  Extra coaches and improper contact with players during COVID.  Those are the bigger issues.  The hamburgers aren’t.  He blantantly cheated by using too many coaches on the field and then lied about it.  He should get hammered.

Ironballs's picture

"Those who stay will be cheaters"


ChazBuckeye's picture

I hope something will happen from tNCAA, but I won't be holding my breath for very long.

"There's nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you."

Woody Hayes

Uncommon Sense's picture

Looks like they had one too many of those "spirited practices."

Makes Sense to me...

awesomebucks's picture

Like a qb throwing too high a pass negating pass interference, jimmy’s best argument he hit no benefit. Their recruiting last year was awful while Jimmy was busy being turned down by every nfl team with a job opening. Even too busy trying to leave that institution (and it’s an institution) even on signing day.

SuwaneeBuck's picture

I’m good with Michigan getting a slap …but NCAA has time to go after Kahki-pants for buying lunch for a couple of HS kids….but not the roster tampering that is rampant across college football. 
and what about some guidelines for NIL?


Don' want nuthin don' start nuthin

buckybeaver's picture

There’s more to it than hamburgers.  Too many coaches coaching, etc.  These are bigger issues he lied about.

buckeyenut74's picture

Right. As you just said, his problem is with misleading statements and failure to cooperate. 

causeicouldntgo43's picture

This thread really slaps. Keep it going just like the portal threads, part 2, part 3, etc.

curiousrash's picture

News out of Ann Arbor is that it was boogers not burgers. It all makes sense now.

461buckeye's picture

I dislike scum as much as anybody but I will side with them on this. NCAA will go after the Buckeyes the same as scum on these petty issues but will wink-wink at most SEC schools about any possible major shenanigans (Alabama, etc.). Now is time to just tell the NCAA to f--k off and go play their judgement games with somebody else.