TTUN Co-OC Weiss on Leave, Under Criminal Investigation

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jwilly's picture

Sounds like another good Michigan Man.


Bucktailfruit's picture

Those who stay...

Love it or leave it!

LeftCoastBuckeye's picture

....will be busted?

My aim, then, is to whip the Weasels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.   - William Tecumseh Sherman (with apologies)

RemainCalm's picture

.........may want to reconsider. 

RemainCalm — All is well.

Buckeye_bob's picture

Question on all this! How much did Hairball know about this?? This could be bad!

ColoradoBuckeye21's picture

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” - Will Rogers

actionstanleyjackson's picture

Goodness. Michigan seems to be a program that is off the rails. Harbaugh’s lying. Weiss computer crimes. 

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

jefferson970's picture

Regarding Harbaugh’s alleged lying: Is it possible Weis was caught erasing evidence of that very allegation? That would amount to a crime, I believe, if he was destroying evidence. 


Semper Buckeye's picture

He emailed TCU the offensive game plan 

macdaddybuckeyesupreme's picture

Title really needs work.

Also you don't get put on leave unless you are about to be fired

Successful people do what they have to, whether they feel like it or not

Poisonous Nuts's picture

Kiddie porn, right? I’m going with kiddie porn.

Urbane Meijer's picture

Kiddies would be feds. This is campus police. I am betting that he was accessing records to stalk a student or staffer.

Urbane Meijer's picture

The other, and juicier (from our perspective) idea would be that he altered grades to keep a player eligible using someone else's account.   But I'm still betting on stalking.

Chris Raiden's picture

If that's the case, the NCAA is going to drop a huge basket of tsk tsks on them.

Unless, of course, Jimmy lies about it again.

RunningFree's picture

NCAA is going to drop a huge basket of tsk tsks on them

A finger wag and a disapproving nod.

Buckaroo Banzai's picture

GADZOOKS! If this is the case the NCAA will give the Metro Detroit Barber College the death penalty.

Bobbing for french fries.

Todd Gack's picture

Sounds likely. His house was searched too.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.

Six six three's picture

Often times computer forensics personnel have to sift thru millions of bits/files to uncover hidden evidence. It’s common for an arrest not to happen upon execution of a SW. Especially if the suspect doesn’t make incriminating statements. 

SackMan's picture

Six Six Three definitely likes donuts and has a mustache, if you're following me.

Six six three's picture

Poisonous Nuts, while the term “computer crimes” is broad, it definitely includes child pornography. I’m LE and our office includes the Computer Crimes Unit which is solely CP. 

To answer the other poster, feds aren’t the only level of LE that handles CP. I’ve smashed plenty of doors for our local CP detectives on state search warrants. Our Computer Crimes Unit, and others in our office, carry federal credentials in addition to our police creds. I’m assuming UM has its own police force that has the authority to search UM with and without a warrant, depending on circumstances. They could have discovered a file/partial file and turned it over to better equipped local LE. You’d be shocked at the amount of IP addresses that show up on our CCU’s radar. To assist CCU we’ve knocked dozens of doors belonging to successful/professional types. 

For humanities sake I hope he’s not under investigation for CP but to me that’s what “computer crimes” means.

Urbane Meijer's picture

"Computer Access" just doesn't read as cp.  That reads as "looking at records he didn't have a valid work reason to do" possibly with someone else's password. 

Six six three's picture

Computer-related crimes can include things like improper access to computers or programs, said Birmingham criminal defense attorney Wade Fink.

Not to argue but that’s his defense attorney saying that. You don’t pay him to say, “My client is accused of being a pedo.” 

Police don’t search your house for stealing a coworkers password to look up files you don’t have access to. Wording like “improper access to computer programs” and “looking at records he doesn’t have access to” is a lot of words to say nothing.

But, something tells me we will all know the story pretty soon! 

Kernfan's picture

I can see that if it was just campus police, but the ESPN article mentions unmarked police cars searching his house. If other law enforcement is involved, assuming a guy making $850,000 base salary isn't involved in financial crimes, the first things I would think of were child porn or some type of stalking.  But if the University computers are considered government computers (since its a public school), then regular porn is probably illegal to view, but if he only viewed/downloaded in one instance I would be shocked since the cops are involved. 

Calamity Hoe's picture

Six Six Three, thanks for your service.  My dad was a LEO. 


Six six three's picture

It’s a pleasure brother. Thanks to your dad! 

MeridianOSU's picture

I was reading the ESPN article and told the wife as she was leaving for her 12 hour night shift. She told sounds like CP, embezzlement or harassment. Again she was getting ready to leave and didn’t have time to read it. She works for the largest Sheriffs Department in the state and has FBI access. 

As much as I despise TTUN, I hope it’s not CP. 

Eph97's picture

If it was CP the FBI would be investigating it and not campus police.

SalemBuckeye's picture

If UM campus police get control it will be changed to jay walking and expunged with a raise within 30 days.


UFest57's picture

Is it odd that a link at the bottom if the ESPN article was about Gator QB (Kitna) being kicked off the team after an arrest for child porn?

OSU56's picture

Sounds like crazy Jimmy runs a shady program up there…..

Enjoying daily the back to back ttun beat downs.


Orville's picture

We know hairball and the AD won't punish him even if he is found guilty of a crime.

raiderred's picture

Classic Michigan sweeping issues under the rug and letting him coach the playoff game too. Alleged incident occurred 12/21-23 right before Christmas.

jefferson970's picture

Possible this is related to Mazi Smith’s transgression? Curious to say the least, the article was pretty nondescript. Not much info on the interwebs. 


PIBbuckeye's picture

That Michigan difference is truly…different 

Go Bucks! Beat Blue!

Calamity Hoe's picture

Just saw this and came here to post it -- you're faster on the draw than me!

Not sure what to say on this one. They DO seem to have a culture problem up there.  
Personally, I hope the whole house of cards comes crashing down. 

Also really glad none of the OSU staff have been involved in something nefarious. 
And if they ever are, I hope accountability is swift and just. 


Crimson's picture

Not a big deal.  He was probably just ordering adult novelties to campus.  We would never have any issues like that.

Please consider reading the above with sarcasm font.

JohnnyKozmo's picture

It was a joke I believe in reference to Zach Smith.

You're too stupid to have a good time. -Dalton

Canukbuck's picture

Nothing will happen .... TTUN are permitted to shrug any transgressions off .... consider this program coated with teflon ..... unbelievable ....

MaxMermelstein's picture

It's not teflon it's just they don't really care how the rest of the country perceives them. Nothing embarrasses them.

Not surprising when your head coach is half-autistic. Now the fans have that same attitude. 

Shit my pants in public? Nothing to see here.

allinosu's picture

Edwards tweet, UM made excuses, Smith arrest, UM looked the other way and they will do it again on this. There will be more of this before next season. 

MaxMermelstein's picture

I'm sure the school President will be tweeting about his contract extension shortly.

What a laughing stock. They sold out to try to keep up with OSU athletically, and have now become the Miami Hurricanes, minus the titles.

causeicouldntgo43's picture

Those Who Stay

Will be arrested for computer “access” crimes

looks like a Level 3 shit Storm emergency ‘bout to hit AA.

Eph97's picture

Harbaugh accused Day of cheating in 2020, but well well well how the turntables.

CandygramForMongo's picture

Gotta appreciate that reference. +1

awlinBrutus's picture

Glass houses, you know the rest.


WahooFanChicago's picture

I read that the raid on this guy occurred back in December.   So does that mean the University and Harbaugh let this guy be with the team and coach the playoff game in spite of this??

I can’t imagine they raid someone’s private residence if it’s not something quite serious.

i will wait on the facts but the UM police don’t have a good track record with being transparent so who knows what version of the truth we will hear.


Floyd Stahl's picture

Right, now they put him on leave? Not a good look.

CandygramForMongo's picture

He’s not going to be employed very soon.

I am Kirok's picture

Okay? The point is they waited a month to put him on leave. Not fire, but just to put him on leave. 

OSU56's picture

There is a pattern here on when these issues have been reported. Sounds like further digging is needed to exploit who is covering these up.

Enjoying daily the back to back ttun beat downs.


Kyson12's picture

Michigan is complete trash. Pure Michigan 

Fire Kevin Warren

Chris Raiden's picture

Going back a few years, I remember an MLB scout getting in hot water for using his credentials from a former team to access their database for use with his new team. Computer access crimes was a term used in that investigation too, so it could be something along those lines (i.e. hacking of some flavor).

CandygramForMongo's picture

Supposedly, it only involves Weiss, whatever he did. He’s done.

High Street Street Fighter's picture

That was the first thing I thought when I saw "computer access" that he was logging in under another person's name & PW at another university (maybe a former employer?) to get  info about a recruit, NIL money, game plans, etc.

It's interesting how one of the articles I read said Weis was recently out recruiting which leads me to believe it might not be really nefarious. Is he married? I could see how he was trying to log-into a woman's account (maybe a TTUN student or professor)? This would bring in the university police.  

Either way, it's negative publicity and it's far!

YoungBossBuckeye's picture

Something tells me that he was probably trying to hack into someone's computer for information. If this was something insidious like kiddie porn, he would've been fired. An investigation like that would be open and shut. I'm sure this will get cleared up and swept under the rug like Mazi Smith's insane gun ammunition collection, because they're MICHIGAN MEN, bitch, they do things the right way!


MaxMermelstein's picture

eh, something tells me they're not going to search your home over something that's not "insidious."

He's in a lot of trouble. The question is how much. 

MaxMermelstein's picture

not buying it. They're not sending unmarked cops to your home with a search warrant for hacking into an e-mail.

there's something more nefarious...probably the reason for the hacking. 

JohnnyKozmo's picture

Exactly...the cops weren't sent to his home because he hacked the email, it's what he did once he was into said email I'd imagine.  

You're too stupid to have a good time. -Dalton

Urbane Meijer's picture

You munged that url a bit.  I think you meant to link to this:

CandygramForMongo's picture

If the crime(s) was/were committed between December 21st and 23rd, why wasn’t it reported until January 5th? Curious, eh?

CandygramForMongo's picture

Username: JimHarbaugh

Password: Milk

JohnnyKozmo's picture

Maybe that's when the victim realized they'd been hacked?  

...or they didn't want it out until after their season was over...

You're too stupid to have a good time. -Dalton

AZbucks77's picture

In regards to Weiss if it ends up being what some are speculating, and you add on the NCAA issues with that program; you have to think Harbaugh will most likely be gone as well.  Whether warranted or not, Harbaugh will get tied into the Weiss thing in some shape or form from an oversight perspective; and the PR nightmare will be too much for the University to deal with if they keep Harbaugh.  No way Harbaugh survives that in my opinion. 

Edit:  Looks like it most likely isn't what has been speculated, still though not a good look for Harbaugh.  A lot of people in that administration have to be asking "who has oversight of this program?"  

I am Kirok's picture

He’s not getting fired. His player could go in a campus wide raping spree and they’d cover it up just to win the rivalry. Of course at the same time they’d say how dirty the OSU program is. 

macdaddybuckeyesupreme's picture

They already covered for a rapist 

Successful people do what they have to, whether they feel like it or not

Kneelblender's picture

He only kicked for 3 more years after the incident.....AND got honored on Senior Day!   I was there!


BrewstersMillions's picture

Didnt Taylor Lewan threaten to rape someone in defense of said kicker?

Proudly dispensing unbridled arrogance since 1983.

CandygramForMongo's picture

I assume Weiss hacked Donovan Edwards’ email account to wish people a “Happy Hanukkah!”

Bucktown 5.7x28's picture

With a photoshopped image of Edwards sportin a yarmulke? Priceless 

When telling the truth becomes a revolutionary concept, it’s wise to join the revolution 

YoungBossBuckeye's picture

I'm sure this bullshit will get swept under the rug. They're not as squeaky clean as they want you to believe. They're no different than any program in the nation. Their sanctimony and arrogance is what makes me vomit. If M didn't make the playoffs again, and didn't kick the shit out of us again, they would have an excuse to can him. But since they did, they'll find a way to make it look it was a mistake or not a big deal. They're NOT above reproach. 


CandygramForMongo's picture

Swept under the rug?!? Weiss is going to get fired for whatever he did.

YoungBossBuckeye's picture

I'm just saying that nothing would surprise me. They knew Mazi Smith got pinched, and they said nothing about it to the public, the prosecutor was a M law graduate, for Christ's sake. They just let him play. 


I am Kirok's picture

Right? Does ANYONE here think Day or even Meyer at tOSU would have let someone play with that charge? No chance and ESPN would’ve been on the lawn cause it would’ve leaked in about 5 seconds. 

BrewstersMillions's picture

Michigan law grad works for the state of Michigan, you don’t say. 

Proudly dispensing unbridled arrogance since 1983.

mb5599's picture

How long has Weiss been on the staff?  If found guilty, should be forfeiture of all games for the past 3 years. 

Big B

TreySermonGrin's picture

They can keep that 2-4 season in the books!

Number 11, huh?

Monclovabuckeye's picture

He probably hacked Jimmy's account and tried to pump up Jimmy's resume for the NFL folks.

Everyone then me.

Turban Meyer's picture

His NFL resume is better than his college one. 

TreySermonGrin's picture

This is just like Mazi Smith's nothingburger!!!

-avg UM fan

Number 11, huh?

RunEddieRun1983's picture

Maybe he hacked Harbaugh's UM computers account to change his title from co-OC to just OC?

The Excellence of Execution, the Best there is, the Best there was, the Best there ever will be!

earthpig's picture

I know we won't. But we all should just sit back and watch the show as ist unfolds.. 

Pigskins & Porkrinds

ProudBUCKEYE's picture

Wow-controversy seems to surround Harbaugh’s Program at every turn.  The curtain has been pulled back to finally reveal the real scUM and it’s Athletic Dept. actions over the years. Guess all those things Jimmy accused his alma mater of doing while he was coaching at Stanford were true.  

The Sun never sets on Buckeye Nation

SalemBuckeye's picture

Harbaugh is mentally ill and ruins relationships. Harbaugh got denied by the NFL for 2 reasons. First, you don't win in today's NFL with a heavy run first offense. Second, he blows up every professional relationship. One phone call to the 49ers and it's over. Think about it. Three straight conference championships and he gets asked to leave. Just how big of a dickhead is he that the win crazy NFL says no thanks to that record.


Bucktown 5.7x28's picture

First, you don't win in today's NFL with a heavy run first offense

For 95% of teams, I’d agree. The exceptions are the 49ers and Eagles I think. But they have elite defenses to go with said running games as well. 

When telling the truth becomes a revolutionary concept, it’s wise to join the revolution 

YoungBossBuckeye's picture

It has always puzzled me how their front office just told him to go fuck himself. 


BrewstersMillions's picture

Michigan now gets to tell itself none of these things are a big deal now that they’ve had a little bit of success. But man they were ringing their hands over a few discounted tats.

Proudly dispensing unbridled arrogance since 1983.

MaineStrength's picture

Didn’t see it in buckshots or forum.

It's there

The hits keep coming for the trash heap up north. 

I could be wrong, but this seems like a snooze fest to me just like the silly NCAA stuff.  We're letting TAMU buy a recruiting class which is quite literally written in the rules as illegal and we're worried about analysts coaching and contacting recruits during a covid dead period...c'mon.  The big news up north is they beat OSU two years in a row, won back to back B1G titles, went to the playoffs two years in a row, and are returning a stacked team in '23.  Those hits just keep on coming :)

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

causeicouldntgo43's picture

Hey - I understand. Sometimes you gotta just circle the wagons.

undercoverbuck's picture


A little bit of objectivity can go a long way

Kneelblender's picture

Yes - you are TYPICAL of Michigan fans.   If it happens to Michigan, it is "no big deal!"   If it happens to Ohio State, we are cheaters!

So weird how this consistently happens!

lljjgg's picture

This, the NCAA violations, and the way they were overmatched by a TCU team who was clearly not playoff quality (adding to Harbaugh's post-season winless streak) are all embarrassing. 

Just admit it and move on bro, it's not that hard. 

Buckeye314's picture

It’s in Buckshots now. It wasn’t there when the post was created and the timing wasn’t even close. 

Ohio State > *ichigan Day > Hairbaugh

buckeyeupnorth's picture

The Detroit News has a detailed article about this in which they include a photo of Weiss home that was searched. The home he is living in was purchased in 2021 when Weiss was hired for $1.5M by an entity known as Old Pro . Very odd, IMO. 

High Street Street Fighter's picture

Are you saying an entity called "Old Pro" bought his house? I'm not saying this is what happened, but a lot of high profile people purchase their homes using a newly created LLC to try to prevent folks from finding them on the auditor's page. Zac Taylor did this in took me a little while but I was able to find's under an LLC. Nothing nefarious.....I was just curious where he lived when he said he dropped a playoff football at his neighborhood bar last year.

buckeyeupnorth's picture

I realize that Old Pro Trust that is the title holder of the house may very well be Weiss. But I am curious regarding his situation, as to whether that is true Or if someone connected or actually employed by Michigan bought it for him to live as another perk outside of his contract with Michigan. Remember Weiss is a state employee and subject to state employee rules.

ChicagoFish's picture

According to UM charter, its illegal to play Minesweeper on UM computers between 9 am - 5 pm.

Chicago Fish


My brick by the stadium has my name and  "Woody Forever".   Let me know if you see it/

Brian Brainerd's picture

Still not as embarrassing as losing to TCU.  

It almost feels like nobody won the big rivalry this year.  Michigan won The Game, but lost to something resembling a MAC team in a bowl game.  OSU lost The Game, but was 1 point away from a ring.  

Lost to TCU.  It's a hell of an adjustment for me to this new era of football where The Game counts about as much as the 2007 Illibuck Trophy.  

avail31678's picture

What are the mighty fine folks on MGo saying?

Monclovabuckeye's picture

Some are saying Weiss googled Sonny Dykes and ended up in the wrong place.

Everyone then me.

Kneelblender's picture

NOTHING TO SEE HERE!   If it occurs at Michigan, it is "no big deal" and they can laugh about it!

When Tressel lied about players selling their OWN possessions,  UM fans lambasted Ohio State - and STILL brand him a CHEATER.

When Harbaugh spends money on recruits and lies, it is "NO BIG DEAL!"

This is why it is fun beating those hypocrites.   UM fans are the worst.   When we play them, it truly is good versus evil.....and we are not the "evil" ones....

DukeofWeimar's picture

IMO, Harbaugh acts brain damaged and dimwitted all the time just in case instances like this arise.

millhouse83's picture

He was probably logging in to his players emails to recruit players in the transfer portal without making it look like a coach was recruiting.  

USArmyBuckeye's picture

I hate to speculate but….(proceeds to speculate): 

Wouldn’t be shocked if there is a female (either co-ed or faculty/staff) somewhere underneath all of this. Also wouldn’t be shocked in the slightest if there were some eligibility shenanigans being worked out quietly and behind the scenes. Hard to quite figure out how the friendly home visit plays into the grades aspect so maybe the fraternization idea holds more water with what little we know at this time. 

buckeyeupnorth's picture

I don’t know for certain but this allegation appears separate from the NCAA investigation. The complaint regarding computer access violation appears to have been reported by a UM involved person. The fact Michigan took the step of placing him on leave is an indication he appears to have violated the university employee rules, which will be handled by HR.  The NCAA may get involved if his violation includes recruits, players etc. Also another issue that Harbaugh  is not properly supervising his team and coaches which the new rule from the NCAA includes whether he knows of their violations or not.

Six six three's picture

This is speculation on my part but it’s educated speculation. It’s not inconceivable that UM seized/forensically examined school owned phones as part of the NCAA investigation and turned what they found over to police. IF, yes that’s a speculative IF, they found CP they are legally bound to call the police as educators are mandated reporters. None of us are UM fans here but CP (which is my speculation) is particularly heinous. I hope to god in 2023 the administration wouldn’t kick that to the curb. 

b2d's picture

How do you spell, "Lack of Institutional Control"? Also, I wonder how it feels on third base now. Third base in Ann Arbor that is. Any more Raven's hand outs available? Maybe the one who did the clock management vs the Bengals Sunday.


WahooFanChicago's picture

All the kids in Chicago south side knew growing-up that if one of the neighbors got sent to the “big house” that meant they were going to prison.  

I never really knew why they called scUM’s stadium the big house until now though.   It seems like they’ve had a good amount of criminals there. 

This guy, their DLine guy with the illegal gun, their kicker rapist, Bo’s medical doctor that was abusing players, Taylor Lewan assaulting a fan after The Game, etc.

Ohiostate1957's picture

Here's a link to a good Maize n' Brew article explaining the known facts and what Michigan law is on unauthorized computer access:

Seems unlikely he would use a University computer to commit internet crimes since he could do so from home with more anonymity. The house search is curious but could be because they want to show he has items  on his home computer that were illegally obtained from the illegal access to the university computers. What that might be is anyone's guess.

Six six three's picture

Certain investigations like narcotics, financial crimes, CP, etc imply probable cause of additional evidence of a crime in one’s home. It’s essentially an automatic follow up search warrant.

OHIOBUCKEYE73's picture

I'm sure Harbaugh has nude pics of Bo Schembechler on his computer.


Zbuddha888's picture

OHIOBUCKEYE73— ok that one made me laugh out loud.


Buck Pooter's picture

The illegal access occurred on the dates 12/21-12/23. Those dates exactly align with the NCAA early signing period. 

Buckeye_bob's picture

Trying to erase emails on other accounts that discuss or plan to contact recruits illegally, How does Michigan all of a sudden start landing tons of high level transfers and enough highly ranked recruits to change the program after years of recruiting at the same level as Eastern and Western Michigan?

Goby's picture


You never lose to those pricks. Ever. Ever.

CalmerThanYouAre's picture

Or…him and Hairball have a secret love nest where they watch “Woody” tribute videos.

Pure speculation on my part.

"When you're winning - you don't need any friends. When you're losing - you don't have any friends anyway." - Woody Hayes.

Dasniksder's picture

My guess is he was deleting an arrest record for one of the players. Someone should’ve told him they already knew about it and the sweeping under the rug was already in process. 

ShawneeBuck74's picture

So, it's a hacking crime.  What did exact university system he hack and why?

(1) Did he hack the system to change grades? Seem most plausible. Timeline fits (end of term grades would be due before Xmas). 

(2) Also potential... he hacked the system to stalk a COED. We've seen plenty of coaches and coed stories over the years (Arkansas, Auburn come to mind).

(3) Longer shot... he hacked the system to get some dirt on the admin he could use as leverage. Football team and admin at UM have had a contentious relationship, especially during COVID. 

You win with people. 

And so forth...

9 Units Strong!


USArmyBuckeye's picture

My guess would be, since apparently multiple accounts were involved, would be that he was attempting to erase a digital paper trail.  To what is anyone’s guess but I’d be curious to know how the timeline 21-23 December stacks up with the NCAA starting to sniff around. 

My Dad Is A Wolverine But I'm A Buckeye's picture

It's all pure speculation at this point, but it would be yet another example of the cover-up being worse than the crime if this was the case.

Number 1 rule in life: always beat That Team Up North. 

Buckaroo Banzai's picture

If you read the thread you would know it was email accounts. 

Bobbing for french fries.

ShawneeBuck74's picture

I saw that. University email accounts are used to access every system for grading and internal communication like Moodle, Blackboard, D2L. 

There’s going to be a lot more to this than this guy hacking in to someone’s email.  They raided his house. 

You win with people. 

And so forth...

9 Units Strong!


Scioto's picture

Occam’s Razor. Simplest answer is usually correct. My two theories:  (1) he was accessing a coed’s emails with whom he was having an affair, or (2) he was accessing a female athletic department staffer’s emails with whom he was having an affair. 

I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize - Steven Wright

LetsGoBucks76's picture

Would they send a squad of unmarked police cars to raid his house over that though? I don’t know obviously but man, that’s pretty extreme over accessing someone’s email. 

ShawneeBuck74's picture

Accessing email to figure out how to get into COEDS’ iCloud pictures, maybe?

I think the emails are the gateway to something more substantial.

You win with people. 

And so forth...

9 Units Strong!


jefferson970's picture

Simplest answer is usually correct.

Why do you believe the simplest answers is “he’s having an affair?” There seems to be many answers more plausible. Then again, I’ve never had an affair. Never will.  


High Street Street Fighter's picture

The question you have to ask is what would drive a powerful guy like Weis to break into other TSUN email addresses? Men do dumb things usually for just a few reasons: (i) women and the promise of sex, (ii) money and influence/power and (iii) food. I think we can safely rule out #3 so that leaves #1 and #2.

 #1: women have taken down many, many good men and it's why I asked up thread if Weis was married. Not that married guys don't cat around but I think a non-married coach might be more apt to do wreckless things for sex. Are there scenarios where a guy would want to hack a woman's email? Heck yes. I can think of many reasons such as wanting to see what other guys she's been emailing or what she's said about him to others. Online stalking kind of stuff.

#2: Money and influence/power: He could have been motivated to see what other coaches, administrators, etc. have been saying about him. Weis made over $1.0 million last year, and he's got a very wealthy father, so he's not hurting for cash, but maybe he's doing GoT things and trying to sabotage other coach(es)? 

It feels like there's going to be a very simple, but very stupid, reason to  explain it. This is a guy who literally had the world by the balls. Mid-thirties, millionaire, wealthy parents, high profile job.......and threw it all away. I'm guessing a young lady is involved.

jefferson970's picture

All good points.

Does drugs/addiction belong on that list possibly above food?

Sticking with the women/sex angle, it’s also possible he was arranging these things for recruits or current players. I know it’s all hefty speculation, but where does it fall on that razor?


High Street Street Fighter's picture

Oh yea, drugs/alcohol/addiction speed up 1,000x dumb things guys do for sex and money/power/influence.

The whole "computer access" thing talked about in the police report is what's generating a lot of questions from the peanut gallery. What does it exactly mean? I'm interpreting it as he hacked into other people's email accounts but maybe that's wrong? Bottom line, is he did something criminal in nature or I don't think it ever goes public.

You'd think just logging in to check someone's emails would get swept under the rug with such a high profile and successful coach like Weis. He must have done something  more edgier once he got in there or had really bad intentions which became criminal in nature. What kinds of things can't get swept under the rug? Harassment comes to mind.....anything that might lead to the university getting sued if they don't report it. 

It's a real life NCIS.

HilliardJoe's picture

Many years ago I believe the AD at Hilliard Bradley was charged with embezzlement of school funds because he was taking some money from AD fundraisers and putting them into a private account of his own.  When asked why he did this, he answered that he wanted some money to use that his wife wouldn't know about.

OSU56's picture

ttun true colors are showing. They finally get caught and not only that, it's beginning to steam roll into other illegal activity. Wonder how much money the ttun alumni will need to dish out to the ttun Alumni DA to save ttun's arse.

Enjoying daily the back to back ttun beat downs.


Buckeye_bob's picture

This has the look of Lack of Institutional Control more and more. Weiss committed this crime on U of Michigan Computers at the Schembechler Center. The Lack of Institutional Control is a charge that coaches very rarely survive!!

Mazi Smith Carrying a Loaded Gun in his car with on Conceal Carry Permit and the gun was unregistered.

The Coaching Violations and misuse of coaches and video feeds:

Now it seems Harbaugh refuses to admit that he mislead or lied to NCAA investigators AKA: the Level 1 Violation!!

Panther72's picture

This is about the possibility that emails were accessed on campus servers. That’s what i read any way

And the king of Israel answered and said, Tell him, Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off.

Silver Bullets 22's picture

If emails were accessed illegally then something nefarious was done with the content of those emails. Bunch of unmarked undercover cops don't kick down your door and raid your house for just looking at an email you shouldn't have. Nobody is buying that bullshit. Maybe got into a coeds email and stole her nude photos and videos?

Bullets will be back to save the season, and Stroud's dignity.

actionstanleyjackson's picture

Michigan fired him today 

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

USArmyBuckeye's picture

Well that surely severely damages the “oh it’s a big nothingburger” angle Mgo was testing out

Parker Leo Blinsky's picture

Harbaugh could murder a nun at halftime on the 50 yard line of the Outhouse and the MGo chuds would claim it’s a nothing burger. 

I was on that board for a few years for shits and grins and, even by message board standards “simpleton” doesn’t even begin to describe the average moderator/poster there, 

YoungBossBuckeye's picture

And they will hire Greg Roman from the Ravens in 3...2...1......


JohnnyKozmo's picture

And Weiss to the Ravens...

You're too stupid to have a good time. -Dalton

OSU56's picture

Looks like crazy jimmy carousel is in full swing with his brother, and to think he was "standing on third base thinking he hit a triple".

Enjoying daily the back to back ttun beat downs.


Parker Leo Blinsky's picture

Update: Harbaugh just tossed his ass under the bus in record time. 

Panther72's picture

Weiss was fired by the AD Ward. Which is an interesting detail as well. He and Harbaugh are on the outs some speculated Ward will be canned by Santa shortly for the way he handled Jims contract talks. Ono stepped in to solve the impasse. 

And the king of Israel answered and said, Tell him, Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off.

jwilly's picture

Glad to see that Mich didn't continue to try and sweep this under the rug. Wonder if they had a chat with the police about what was found and figured they better get ahead and get this done.

I did like that they said there would be no further comment, as if that will shut down the questions. 


Buckeye314's picture

What’s to say they aren’t still trying to sweep something under the rug? What if he got a golden parachute to be fired, nothing confirming he was fired with cause. What if he is truly the fall guy to cover up something much greater and this is the way they make it go away. 

Ohio State > *ichigan Day > Hairbaugh

CarolinaBuck's picture

Matt Weiss wasn't fired for what he did, he was fired for getting caught. Harbaugh runs a rouge football program hiding behind the aura and pristine academic image of Michigan where they hide players arrested during the season for felony gun possession until after the last game is played. Harbaugh himself just got caught violating NCAA rules and now the Weiss affair. Michigan is breaking so many rules the NCAA may have to put Ohio State back on probation.

allinosu's picture

You got it right Carolina. They look the other way unless they can't.

OhioAgainstTheWorld34's picture

I need the tea and details to be spilled on this ASAP! Lol. I know we've speculated a lot on what it could be.... And for the most part there is probably someone who's close to being on it... But can't wait to see the criminal justice system expose whatever it is that caused the termination.. Definitely not canning a guy over nothing.

keith7456's picture

Doesn't appear that he is putting up much fight either.

Just released a statement saying he is looking forward to putting this behind him.

OhioAgainstTheWorld34's picture

Nice catch Keith.. Going to read the statement now. Very interesting.. I'm sure something is forth coming.

OhioAgainstTheWorld34's picture

Definitely not a statement of innocence.. That's for sure. 

DukeofWeimar's picture

A poster on Victors Message board says he sent dick pics to a female employee who was offended then he tried to hack her computer to erase them

actionstanleyjackson's picture

Probably what happened. 

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

OSU2002Grad's picture

I’m so baffled by these idiots who send dick pics thinking that’s the pickup move. For fuck’s sake. 

NHBuckeye's picture

I still find it interesting that undercover police raided his house.  While what the Victors poster said makes a lot of sense, It just feels like there is even more to it than this.   

jefferson970's picture


Too soon?


jefferson970's picture

That’s pretty soft, imo. 


JohnnyKozmo's picture

Poster on MGO said he used Harbaughs email account to email recruits, presumably without Jims knowledge.  According to other posters, said poster has hit on a couple other things which makes them think he/she has sources.  

You're too stupid to have a good time. -Dalton

OhioAgainstTheWorld34's picture

I mean I'm finding it hard to believe we get a search of home over using a Coach's email to send recruits messages.. That seems like a cut and dry thing that indeed would result in termination, however, don't see a search warrant for his residence being needed.  The illicit photos to unwanting females though.. Yeah probably gonna come after you a little harder.

jefferson970's picture

If that’s what this is, he’s just the fall guy. Harbaugh allegedly lying, and magically, ”it wasn’t me someone hacked my account.”


JohnnyKozmo's picture

Agreed.  Not sure I buy it, but just something I saw over there, with other posters kind of vouching for the guy as having some info on a few other things early on before it broke.  

You're too stupid to have a good time. -Dalton

High Street Street Fighter's picture

Dick pics would explain a lot. 

Men are dumb. Just flat out dumb. Throw away a +1.0 million/year job----he could have had pretty much any girl he wanted but he had to send her dick pics? Pussy galore claims another victim.

When are guys going to realize that women are not visual creatures like we are. They don't get as fired up about nude images. Sending her a picture of his big house or a romantic table at his favorite Anne Arbor restaurant would have been a lot more effective.

Edit: I don't think sending emails from Jimmy H's account would necessarily be criminal bringing in the campus cops. A fireable offense? Sure but it wouldn't bring in the cops.

OhioAgainstTheWorld34's picture

Exactly High Street. I'm with you.

High Street Street Fighter's picture

Ohio ATW: looks like we posted at the same time. Agreed emailing from Jimmy H's account to recruits would probably be something they would try to sweep under the rug and tell him to find another job ASAP or fire him but give a broad reason for it. Specifically saying he broke into Harbaugh's email looks like Jimmy might not have complete control over the program.

But sending highly offensive dick pics to a University employee and then break into her email to erase it? Wow. That's about as a fireable offense as there is. TTUN probably waited a few weeks to fire him just to allow the police to gather evidence and confirm the dick pics and breaking into her email via an internet forensics audit.

It's a real shit storm in A2 right now.  

jefferson970's picture

So, you’re saying a pic of cold hard cash >  cold hard c___?


Cooper's picture

Pussy galore claims another victim.

Extremely weird phrasing to make it seem like Weiss is the victim and the woman is at fault here for just being a normal person and not a creep.

This is definitely where I parked my car.

AZbucks77's picture

On top of that I believe he also has a wife and 3 kids according to the interwebs.  My message to him would probably be something like this:

USArmyBuckeye's picture

I’d like to imagine a scenario for a minute where he DID send unsolicited dick pics but ALSO sent them from Harbaugh’s email since he was logged in emailing recruits anyways, then ALSO sent them to recruits courtesy of some glitch of he attachment system. 

OhioAgainstTheWorld34's picture

Thank you USArmyBuck.. I  needed this to get me through the last hour of the week... I'm laughing in my office at the moment. I truly hope this is exactly what happened.

The Rill Dill's picture

He was fired this afternoon. He gone.

Edgebuckog's picture

He didn't get off that's for sure.

Adam Meyers-White is inappropriate to write.

NHBuckeye's picture

He probably feels like he got the shaft on this one.  

keith7456's picture

Really getting jerked around right now.

NHBuckeye's picture

It's a hairy situation.  

JohnnyKozmo's picture

Gonna be tough...have to leave his maize and blue balls behind...

You're too stupid to have a good time. -Dalton

AZbucks77's picture

Sounds like he got a little overly cocky with that move.  

OSU56's picture

Seems like he was prick teasing someone.....

Enjoying daily the back to back ttun beat downs.


Goby's picture

They didn’t stroke him around. 

You never lose to those pricks. Ever. Ever.

jefferson970's picture

This thread just went to 11. I haven’t had this much fun since JJ’s dad got fresh. 
